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Sabtu, 20 September 2014


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(in the living room)
Rossyta  : Good morning Jainal.
 Jainal    : Good morning Rossyta.
Rossyta  : What are you doing?
Jainal     : I Have been trying to solve chemistry problem for the last half hour, and I still have no idea how to do it.
Rossyta  : When do you have to collect it in?
Jainal     : It is collect Friday.
Rossyta  : Well, it is tomorrow right?
Jainal     : Yes. Can you help me Rossyta ?
Rossyta  : Of course, I will help you. According to me, you should read the chapter before you show up for the session. It will help you understand the subject matter better.
Jainal     : OK, I will do that.
Rossyta  : Now that your problem is solved.
Jainal     : Thanks Rossyta
Rossyta  : You are welcome Jainal
(in the kitchen)
Jainal     : Rossyta, I am home.
Rossyta  : How was your college? What about your homework?
Jainal     : My college was OK. I was so worried about that homework, but now I feel  great. What a relief!
Rossyta  : I am glad to hear that. You have been studying so hard last night. Now, you can relax and enjoy your life.
Jainal     : What are you cooking ? It smells so good.
Rossyta  : I am make fried rice. This is your favourite food.
Jainal     : It looks really yummy. And I see Meatball over there too, it is your favourite food Rossyta. You were busy, weren’t you ?
Rossyta  : Yes. I have to take my favourite food tomorrow to my college. So, those meatball it is mine.
Jainal     : Can I have fried rice? I want to enjoy life right now.
Rossyta  : You don’t want to wait until after dinner?
Jainal     : It looks inviting, and I bet it is delicious. No, I don’t want to wait. Can I, Rossyta?
Rossyta  : OK, go ahead.
Jainal     : What do we have for dinner tonight?
Rossyta  : I will make rice, roast beef and chicken filet.
Jainal     : It has been a long time. Do you need any help, Rossyta ?
Rossyta  : No, I don’t. Go do your homework and leave the cooking to me.
Jainal     : Thanks, Rossyta. Call me whenever dinner is ready. I don’t want to be late for rice, roast beef, chicken fillet and meatball.
Rossyta   : The meatball is mine.
 Jainal    : I know, Rossyta. Just kidding.
(in the evening, when the dinner is over)
Jainal     : Rossyta, it is very delicious foods.
Rossyta   : thank you Jainal. Do you know what you’re going to do this weekend?
Jainal     : guess what?
Rossyta  : will we go to recreation?
 Jainal    : No, we won’t. Would you like to see a movie with me?
Rossyta   : Yes, I would. Was there certain movie you wanted to see?
 Jainal    : None that I can think of. Can you make any recommendations?
Rossyta  : Which genre do you usually like? Romance? Action? Comedy? What about a vampire movie? Showing enchanted.
Jainal     : OK, that would be great. We will go to movie theater now.
(tomorrow morning)
Jainal     : I am done with my homework.
Rossyta  : I know that.
Jainal     : What seems to be the problem, Rossyta? Maybe I can help you
Rossyta   : Well, since last night I have a fever and I also got a toothache.
Jainal     : Why you don’t tell me last night?
Rossyta   : Because I am forget and I think you was sleep. I’m so sorry.
Jainal     : OK, we will go to hospital now.
Rossyta  : I get ready prepare before we go to hospital.

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